
Suas Metas 2021 e seus Valores

(English text below)

Alguns dias atrás tive a oportunidade de co-conduzir uma aula de Self-awareness: what-why-how para uma turma de Pós graduação na Maharishi International University na California (USA), junto com a Profa Ayako Huang, Diretora do Programa, a quem sou supergrata pelo convite!

A aula contou com a participação fantástica dos alunos. Previamente eles fizeram um assessment de valores pessoais e durante a aula focamos em exemplos práticas dos benefícios de autoconhecimento e de como reconhecer seus valores nas tomadas de decisão e nos resultados que vem obtendo em suas vidas. Durante a aula fizemos também uma construção coletiva a partir do questionamento: quais valores irão impulsionar suas metas em 2021?

O conjunto de respostas no aplicativo gerou a nuvem de palavras anexa. Me tocou profundamente ao ver o resultado com o valor Amor como o mais reconhecido pelos alunos. E feliz também pela coerência, uma vez que estão dedicados a uma experiência de  Consciousness-Based Education. E aqueles que priorizam o Amor e a Compaixão, serão líderes conscientes e inspiradores, sentirão e demonstrarão interesse genuíno pelo bem-estar de todos, trabalhando de forma incansável em criar um ambiente organizacional saudável que favoreça o desenvolvimento humano assim como o desenvolvimento econômico.

Alba Torres – Master Coach – Consultora em Liderança e Cultura Organizacional

Which values would drive yours goals in 2021?

A few days ago I had the opportunity to co-lead a self-awareness class: what-why-how for a graduate class at Maharishi International University in California (USA), along with Prof. Ayako Huang, Program Director to whom I am over grateful for the invitation! Thanks to the students por

The class had the fantastic participation of the students. Previously they made an assessment of personal values and during the class we focused on practical examples of the benefits of self-awareness and how to recognize their values in decision making process and in the results they have been obtaining in their lives. During the class we also made a collective construction from the question: which values would drive yours goals in 2021?

Their responses generated the attached word cloud. It touched me deeply to see the result with Love as the most prioritized value by the students. Gratitude to the students also for having released me to post these results on my networks. And I also feel happy for the consistency, since they are dedicated to an experience of Consciousness-Based Education at this University.

And those who prioritize Love and Compassion will be conscious and inspiring leaders, will  feel and show genuine interest in the well-being of all, working tirelessly to create a healthy organizational environment that favors human development as well as economic development.

In writing the 52 articles last year on the Values, I realized more than ever that some values pull others, are interconnected, are interdependent. And I kept reflecting: what would be the primary value that would pull the other values? In my perception this value is Love. It is Love that pulls compassion, care, respect, empathy, solidarity, friendship, justice and so many others.

To those who have come this far in reading, I make an invitation, the same as I did to these students: what values will drive yours goals in 2021? And inspired by these students, I add one more provocative question: how can Love strengthen you and your plans for 2021? I asked myself that question. At various moments the answer was unclear.  I keep reflecting and, in the meantime, learning a little bit more about myself and about Love. Long road ahead. Living and learning!

Alba Torres – Master Coach – Consultant in Leadership and Organizational Culture